What it is
HIV and AIDS are not the same thing. HIV is short for human immunodeficiency (im-you-no-dee-fish-en-see) virus. The virus attacks the immune system, which is your body’s protection against infections. AIDS is short for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It happens when HIV has damaged the immune system so badly it can’t fight off infections anymore.
How it happens
HIV passes through blood and other body fluids. It can pass between bodies during vaginal and anal sex. HIV could be in a bit of blood on a toothbrush, razor or needle. A mum can also pass it to her baby if she has it.
A person with HIV can’t give it to another person through having sex if:
- a doctor has told them they have an ‘undetectable viral load’
- they take their medicine every day.
Busting myths about HIV
You might have heard these untrue things about HIV:
- HIV and AIDS are the same thing – no, but HIV can lead to AIDS.
- A person will ‘know’ when they have HIV – no, testing is the only way to find out.
And you can’t get HIV from:
- kissing
- cuddling
- sharing cutlery or cups
- shaking hands
- mozzie bites
- eating food made by someone with HIV.
Protect your body
Infected body fluids and blood spread HIV.
- Use a condom. If you’re using a toy, use a fresh condom every time you swap with your partner.
- Don’t share razors or toothbrushes.
- Use sterile needles. That goes for drugs, tattoos and piercings.
Find a free needle or syringe program
Take the test
Get tested every 6 to 12 months for STIs. Testing is a normal part of being healthy. The test for HIV involves taking some blood from your arm or from your finger.
Treat it
You can’t cure HIV, but people who have HIV can go on to live long and healthy lives. If you have HIV, your doctor will prescribe medicine to take every day. This protects your immune system and prevents AIDS. It also stops HIV from passing to others.
Need someone to talk to?
If you have HIV, you’re not alone.
These places connect you with other people who have been through it:
- Positive Life
- Pozhet
Find a clinic