Welcome! The Play Safe forum is here to make sex better for everyone. Being able to have good, honest conversation is important. Keep that in mind when choosing your words.
These forums are not monitored 24/7 and we cannot guarantee that someone will see or reply to anything you post. This is not counselling or a crisis service. If you need to talk to someone now click here.
By registering as a user of the Play Safe Community you agree to these Community Guidelines and the Terms and Conditions.
- Get involved.
- Aim for enlightening and amusing, not offensive. If a moderator asks you to keep it civil, please do so. Repeat offenders will be shown the door.
- Use the search feature. Your question may have already been answered.
- Find the most suitable board for your question. Don’t cross-post or repeat the same message in more than one board.
- Write clear subject lines (thread/topics). If you’re changing the subject, start a new thread. If you don’t do this, we may move your post for you.
- Stay on-topic. Start new threads for new topics. Posts and threads that are off-topic may be moved.
- Share what feels comfortable, remembering that words shared online can stick around a long time.
- Treat others as you would like to be treated. Respect what others think and believe. Be non-judgemental and avoid making assumptions.
- Give credit to others if you used their ideas or words.
- Focus on solutions and on what you can learn from a negative situation.
- Remember that Play Safe is for 16-29 year olds so there are times when we may refer you to another service if you are outside this age range.
- Contact us before you post campaigns, projects, media requests, research, links to other websites, and assignment surveys/interviews. Play Safe is a place for conversation first.
- Report content that may be causing a problem or if you are worried about someone.
- Post your or anyone else’s address, email or phone number.
- Post links to your or anyone else’s chat handles or personal accounts and profiles.
- Post advertising, spam or affiliate links.
- Post private discussions with others that were held on mobile phones or in chat services, if those discussions can identify those people.
- Post graphic details or other info may be harmful or triggering to others.
- Post any inappropriate, obscene, offensive or provocative content.
- Be malicious, personally attack, bag out/put down another member, or troll.
- Create posts that may incite hatred or are discriminatory.
- Post about willing participation, or intent to participate, in any kind of unlawful activity. This includes breaking age of consent laws as a person over the age of consent with someone under it; illegal alcohol drinking or recreational drug use; sharing sexual content or photographs of minors, or even of yourself as a minor; stated intent to commit, or that you have committed, any form of interpersonal abuse or assault.
- Provide professional advice such as legal, medical, financial or other.
- Cross post. Don’t post multiple, duplicate, identical or near-identical content.
- Post or behave in a way that interferes with the site.
- Evade site controls or disregard the directions of the moderators or staff.
- Create more than one account. If you have forgotten your username or password, please contact us.
More about Terms And Conditions